Woman looking at her computer and smiling
Fullstory for data teams

Make decisions backed by data

Access high-quality, comprehensive, and actionable data that enables your teams to create more personalized experiences using AI-powered insights.

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Uncover the behavioral context behind customer action to deliver on the next chapter of personalization.

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Collect, structure, and reveal data and insights so you can take action, and not just analyze.

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Automate your data collection processes to improve innovation.


Uncover the sentiment

Develop customer empathy, without assumption. Predict your users next move, and build an experience that caters uniquely to them.


Swap analysis for action

Simplify analysis with dashboards designed for actionable outcomes. Filter, sort, and segment to help guide prioritization on your data team.


Modernize instrumentation

Spend more time innovating and less time implementing when your team utilizes clean, automatically instrumented data.

Better data for better experiences

Why data teams across industries and regions choose Fullstory:

With Fullstory

  • checkmarkLeverage AI-powered autocapture for comprehensive, accurate datasets and actionable insights, eliminating tedious work.
  • checkmarkAccess sentiment-centric data and drive high-impact decisions.
  • checkmarkHigh-functioning data governance positions data teams to serve organizations quickly.
  • checkmarkTake action on data with out out-of-the-box functionality that is pain-free.

Without Fullstory

  • x-iconRisk missing critical insights by relying on incomplete and fragmented datasets.
  • x-iconYour team lacks the context they need to make the right decisions.
  • x-iconTeams fail to properly advise the organization on opportunities to improve.
  • x-iconTeams waste time on data aggregation and analysis.

“Once we understood those paths, we’d be able to replicate the journeys for more users.”

“We use [Fullstory] to inform ML models so that we could understand the actions that users were taking on the path to conversion. Once we understood those paths, we’d be able to replicate the journeys for more users.”

Allie WolffVP, Product Marketing, Benchmark Email

Seamless tech stack integrations for simplified workflows

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Additional resources

What is behavioral data & why is it important?

Learn the essentials of behavioral data and its transformative impact on customer experience.

Read the blog
Break down data silos and fuel deeper insights with Data Direct

Data Destinations let you sync your Fullstory data with your data warehouse to fuel deeper insights and build stronger customer relationships.

Read the blog
6 Hurdles of Modern Data Teams

A field guide and workbook to help leaders prioritize and plan how to address the biggest challenges

Get the guide