Insights · 4 min read

Key insights from Fullstory's 2024 Market Intelligence Survey

Unlocking the potential of your data is crucial. It's not just about having the data—it's about making that data work for you. Fullstory's 2024 Market Intelligence Survey, which surveyed professionals in managerial and executive roles overseeing data-related tasks, reveals a landscape where data potential often outpaces data utilization. From standardization hurdles to implementation uncertainty, we're breaking down the key findings that could reshape your approach to data. 

The data alignment challenge

68% of leaders say standardizing how different teams interact with, create, and apply data is a relevant challenge.

This statistic highlights a significant hurdle in data utilization across organizations. When teams aren't aligned on data practices, it can lead to miscommunication, inefficiencies, and missed opportunities. Addressing these challenges typically requires a combination of technological solutions and cultural shifts.

Managing complex data at scale

The most prevalent data problem across all roles is handling the volume and complexity of data.

As digital interactions continue to grow, so does the amount of data generated. Every click, every scroll, every abandoned cart is a data point waiting to be analyzed. But this avalanche of information presents both an opportunity and a challenge. Organizations that can effectively manage and analyze this complex data will have a competitive edge, but many are struggling to keep up.

User behavior as product compass

71% of leaders say understanding how users interact with a digital product to inform roadmap decisions is business critical.

This statistic underscores the importance of user behavior data in shaping product strategy. However, there's a catch:

65% of leaders say taking action based on insights from data is a challenge.

This gap between recognizing the importance of user behavior data and actually implementing insights reveals a significant opportunity for improvement in many organizations.

Keeping pace with data innovation

When it comes to staying up-to-date with new data technologies, tools, and processes:

  • 60% say social media is a key source

  • 55% turn to podcasts

  • 55% look to influencers

These responses underscore the importance of easily accessible, up-to-date information in the constantly evolving world of data technology. They also suggest that professionals value a mix of quick updates and more in-depth discussions to keep their knowledge current.

How Fullstory's behavioral data platform can help 

Fullstory's behavioral data analytics platform is designed to help organizations overcome these data challenges. Here’s how: 

  • Centralization and alignment: Fullstory provides a centralized platform for collecting and analyzing behavioral data, helping to standardize how different teams interact with and apply this information. By revealing the 'why' behind every action, teams across the organization can align on customer insights.

  • Managing complex data: Fullstory's platform turns complex user interactions into actionable insights. By capturing and analyzing every click, scroll, and interaction, Fullstory helps organizations make sense of vast amounts of behavioral data.

  • Actionable user behavior insights: With features like Session Replay, Heatmaps, and more, Fullstory surfaces data about user interactions and the sentiment behind them. Teams can watch real-time replays of user sessions, effectively improving customer experiences and decreasing time-to-resolution. 

Turn data challenges into opportunities

Fullstory helps you go beyond traditional analytics by revealing the sentiment buried beneath clicks. By providing a comprehensive view of user behavior and sentiment, Fullstory empowers organizations to build experiences without assumption, ultimately helping them win customers for life.

From standardizing data practices across teams to making sense of complex data sets, the path to leveraging data effectively isn't always smooth.

But here's the thing: these challenges are also opportunities to innovate, collaborate, learn, and drive real change in your organization. The companies that will thrive in this data-rich environment aren't necessarily those with the most data, but those who can most effectively turn that data into action.

So, what's your next move? The path to leveraging behavioral data effectively begins with understanding what you’re doing right and where there’s room for improvement. Check out our Behavioral Data Maturity Matrix to identify your current stage of data maturity and chart a clear path to becoming a data-driven leader.


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